Welcome to my Neocities website. This website is mainly just an experiment to learn about web development & coding. Everything here is still mostly a Work In Progress & there will be more content planned to be added here so there will be some changes from time to time! Feel free to look around this website and it's progress so far! :)

Featured Blog
11/19/2024: About the Unexpected Hiatus
Hey. Just wanted to post here and apologize for being so inactive lately for most of my socials. This year has honestly been extremely chaotic for me overall with a ton of stuff happening in the world. I wont list them out here for now since i want to keep this post brief for now. But once everything starts to cool down by hopefully next year, I will try to be more active and be able to create more stuff for you all to enjoy. [ Read More... ]

Project Highlight

> Replaced visitor counter in index page due to CuterCounter shutting down unexpectedly.
> New Chat Box page. Planning on enabling the chatbox later at some point for safety reasons.
> Links now has a dedicated page rather than directing you to the Carrd version.
> Mobile layout has been modified to look much cleaner than before.
> Slide bar now looks different
> Art Previews are now smaller to make room for each of them.
> Art has been compressed to half their size just to save on space for the website (I will consider buying the supporter plan in the future)
> Not much else to explain besides some slight description changes.
> Minor Layout Change and Backgrounds Added.
> Artwork of 2024 has been added with more to come soon.
> Mobile compatiability (mostly) integrated
> New Website Layout.