About Me

Hello! I ususally go by "Scythe" here online, but some of you may have also know me by "Ken". I'm just a 21 year old college dude currently learning to code for projects, and also draws during my free time. This has been a thing i've been interesed in for a while and some goals I would like to achieve with them is to become a GameDev and a software developer. I also often like to get in to other interests and media including music & animation, though they aren't shared as often.
Some interests that I do have is Tehcnology, Anime, Music, Art, and of course Gaming. Series / Franchises that i have a huge interest in are usually Nintendo, SEGA, Playstation, Indie, & Cartoon Netowrk related. And as you can see, I am also one of those huge sonic nerds too. Some music that I often listen to are usually rock, 80s - 90s, chiptune & Video Game OSTs (yes, fight me if you have a problem with that).

I have a few of my own buttons here if you want to link to me from your website!