Does anyone even read these things at all? Is the scrolling text bar too boring or annoying for people to even read these things? Who knows? ... Wait you were just reading this right now arent you? Guess i was wrong about that at least.

Welcome to my Neocities website. This website is mainly just an experiment to learn about web development & coding. Everything here is still mostly a Work In Progress & there will be more content planned to be added here so there will be some changes from time to time! Feel free to look around this website and it's progress so far! :)

Latest Blog

02/16/2024: Neocities Website Update

New Layout for this website. Still got a lot to finish for it right now, but here's what will soon be coming to this website:

  • More art in Art Gallery
  • Commission sheets
  • Projects to be announced
  • Mobile layout compatiability
  • & Many More

Project Highlight


Recent Artwork

See more Artworks

Website Change Log


> Art has been compressed to half their size just to save on space for the website (I will consider buying the supporter plan in the future)

> Not much else to explain besides some slight description changes.


> Minor Layout Change and Backgrounds Added.

> Artwork of 2024 has been added with more to come soon.

> Mobile compatiability (mostly) integrated


> New Website Layout.